Tag Archives: sb2109

Next Rob Simone Talk Show – The Hopi Elders Speak – Speaking out on a Critical Issue that threatens the FUTURE of the Hopi People… and maybe the world

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(Please spread the word)


The Hopi Elders of Shungopovi and Polacca Villages are speaking out to ask for help in STOPPING Senate Bill SB2109 that will strip the Hopi Nation of its aboriginal water rights, casting a dark shadow on their future.

Please listen and spread the word before it is too late.

Write your US Senator to stop SB2109


Around the world there are ‘people of the earth’ who still respect the natural world who are working to protect her and honor the energies of all life. We are asking for your assistance to stop senate bill 2109 by writing a letter to your Senate and Congress representatives.

Stop privatization of water, the right to life. Stop corporate ownership of water, the right to life. We need to respect and protect our water, rivers, lakes and groundwaters for future generations.

Now is the time for change to protect one of the worlds most valuable elements, water, an element that all life on earth needs to survive.

Being caretakers of the elements for thousands of years the Indigenous people understand that water is not a commodity to be bought, sold, polluted and destroyed for monetary gain.

Water is to be respected and honored as one of the elements of life itself.

Stop Privatization of water. Get involved, educate yourself to this issue in your area of the world and use your voice to support life.

Stopping Senate Bill 2109 will be one step in sending a message around the world that the people of earth want a future for our children and all life.

CONTACT – Please Spread Far and Wide


President Obama
EMAIL: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/submit-questions-and-comments
website: www.whitehouse.gov
Call the white house with your comments: 202 456-1111

Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar
website: www.doi.gov
Phone: (202) 208-3100
E-Mail: feedback@ios.doi.gov

Senator Kyl:
EMAIL: http://www.kyl.senate.gov/contact.cfm
website: www.kyl.senate.gov
Phoenix (602) 840-1891
Tucson (520) 575-8633
Washington (202) 224-4521

House Representative Benjamin Quayle
EMAIL: https://quayleforms.house.gov/contact-form
website: www.quayleforms.house.gov
Phone: 202-225-3361

Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs

Committee on Indian Affairs
United States Senate
838 Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2251
Majority Fax: (202) 228.2589
Minority Fax: (202) 224-5429

Committee on Natural Resources, subcommittee on Water and power
United States House of Representatives
email: https://naturalresourcesforms.house.gov/Contact/default.aspx
website: https://naturalresourcesforms.house.gov/

Phone: (202) 225-2761

Deputy Interior Secretary David J. Hayes
website: http://www.doi.gov/whoweare/davidhayes.cfm
EMAIL: http://www.doi.gov/public/contact-us.cfm
website: www.doi.gov
Phone: (202) 208-3100
E-Mail: feedback@ios.doi.gov

EMAIL: feedback@bia.gov
Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs
(BIA) Donald E. Laverdure
(BIA) Bryan Bowker
(BIA) Wendell Honanie
Telephone: (202) 208-7163

Bureau of Indian Affairs
Telephone: (202) 208-5116

The Honorable Janice K. Brewer
Arizona Governor
Email: http://azgovernor.gov/contact.asp
website: www.azgovernor.gov
(602) 542-1381