Category Archives: National

The Rob Simone Talk Show Podcast: The Hopi Elders Speak Part 1

The Hopi Elders Speak! For the first time in a thousand years, the Hopi Elders are speaking out on a Critical Issue that threatens the FUTURE of the Hopi People… and maybe the world – Don’t Miss This Show

Around the world there are ‘people of the earth’ who still respect the natural world who are working to protect her and honor the energies of all life.

Stop privatization of water, the right to life. Stop corporate ownership of water, the right to life. We need to respect and protect our water, rivers, lakes and ground waters for future generations.

Now is the time for change to protect one of the worlds most valuable elements, water, an element that all life on earth needs to survive.

Being caretakers of the elements for thousands of years the Indigenous people understand that water is not a commodity to be bought, sold, polluted and destroyed for monetary gain.

Water is to be respected and honored as one of the elements of life itself.

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