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Cool! Another Earth Discovered…NASA’s Kepler space telescope finds more Earth-like planets

Slowly but surely closing in on an answer to a fundamental question — how common are Earth-like planets orbiting sun-like stars? — NASA’s Kepler space telescope has discovered the smallest worlds yet found orbiting in or near the habitable zones of two distant suns, researchers announced Thursday.


While all three planets are larger than Earth, they are the closest analogues yet found orbiting in the region around their parent stars where water could exist as a liquid, a critical necessity for the evolution of life as it is currently understood.

“We are on the verge of the discovery of so many very exciting planets that, in turn, will tell us so much more about how rocky planets work, how they can be diverse and we will then learn something as well for our own Earth,” Lisa Kaltenegger a researcher with the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told reporters.


In a statement, John Grunsfeld, NASA’s associate administrator for space science, said “the discovery of these rocky planets in the habitable zone brings us a bit closer to finding a place like home.”

“It is only a matter of time before we know if the galaxy is home to a multitude of planets like Earth, or if we are a rarity,” he said.

The hunt for exoplanets is one of the hottest fields of astronomical research with international teams using ground-based telescopes and spacecraft to search for the subtle dimming of a star’s light or the slight wobble that occurs as unseen planets swing around in their orbits.

Launched in 2009, the Kepler space telescope is equipped with a 95-megapixel camera that that continually monitors the light from more than 150,000 stars in a patch of sky in the constellation Lyra.

Planets passing in front of targeted stars cause a very slight, periodic dimming. By timing repeated cycles, computer analysis can ferret out new worlds, including potential Earth-like planets orbiting in a star’s habitable zone where water can exist as a liquid.

Prior to Thursday’s announcement, NASA’s Exoplanet Archive listed 844 confirmed planets orbiting 658 stars, including 128 solar systems hosting multiple planets. The Kepler spacecraft had discovered 115 confirmed planets and 2,740 planet candidates requiring additional observation and analysis.

Up to this point, Kepler had found just two planets in the habitable zones of their parent stars and both of them were considerably larger than Earth.

But the spacecraft’s latest discoveries include seven confirmed planets in two solar systems, including the smallest worlds yet found in a star’s habitable zone.

A star known as Kepler-62 hosts five known planets, including two that orbit in the habitable zone, while a star known as Kepler-69 hosts at least two worlds, including one on the inner edge of its habitable region.

Kepler-62, at a distance of 1,200 light years from Earth, is roughly two-thirds the size of the sun and only one-fifth as luminous. Two of its five planets — Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f — are so-called super-Earths with a radius of 1.6 and 1.4 times that of Earth respectively.

Kepler-62e orbits its sun every 122 days while Kepler-62f, just 40 percent larger than Earth, completes a year every 267 days.

“This appears to be the best example our team has found yet of Earth-like planets in the habitable zone of a Sun-like star,” said Alan Boss, a Kepler researcher at the Carnegie Institution and a leading theorist in planetary evolution.

A star known as Kepler-69, located some 2,700 light years away, is 93 percent the size of the sun and 80 percent as luminous. It hosts two confirmed planets, Kepler-69c and Kepler-69b.

The former is 70 percent larger than Earth, but it orbits near the inner edge of the habitable zone, much like Venus in Earth’s solar system, taking 242 days to complete a year. This is the smallest planet yet found in the habitable zone of a sun-like star.

Kepler-69b is more than twice as large as Earth and orbits so close to its sun that it completes a year every 13 days.

Source: CBS News

Rob Simone Appears on the new Hit TV Show “Unsealed” The Conspiracy Files

Rob will appear on “Unsealed” on Jan. 27th 11pm Nation-wide.

On April 8, 2011 the FBI unveiled the Vault, declassifying decades of top secret government documents for the first time.

These documents cover topics that have plagued conspiracy theorists for the past decades. The files also contain thousands of reports of UFO sightings and alien activity. The Alien Files and The Conspiracy Files will uncover the truth of these secret documents and offer a first hand look on the mysteries of the universe.

Look for future episodes where Rob talks about his new cryptozoology cases in South America and the Europe!

Unsealed TV Show

Unsealed Files will launch in the Fall. Check your local listings.
About the Show: Conspiracy Files

Unsealed: Conspiracy Files shines a light on dozens of mysterious, previously top secret case files released by the government in April, 2011 as a result of the Freedom of Information Act. Each week, Unsealed: Conspiracy Files will investigate one compelling conspiracy theory by opening these and other sensitive, confidential files.

Based on the new information discovered, the show re-examines faulty assumptions, searches for inconsistencies, and explores new leads. The show taps a team of experts, which has harnessed the burgeoning power of new technologies to take their research farther then ever anticipated.

Unsealed: Conspiracy Files … welcome to the world of Conspiracy.

The Rob Simone Talk Show Podcast: The Hopi Elders Speak Part 1

The Hopi Elders Speak! For the first time in a thousand years, the Hopi Elders are speaking out on a Critical Issue that threatens the FUTURE of the Hopi People… and maybe the world – Don’t Miss This Show

Around the world there are ‘people of the earth’ who still respect the natural world who are working to protect her and honor the energies of all life.

Stop privatization of water, the right to life. Stop corporate ownership of water, the right to life. We need to respect and protect our water, rivers, lakes and ground waters for future generations.

Now is the time for change to protect one of the worlds most valuable elements, water, an element that all life on earth needs to survive.

Being caretakers of the elements for thousands of years the Indigenous people understand that water is not a commodity to be bought, sold, polluted and destroyed for monetary gain.

Water is to be respected and honored as one of the elements of life itself.

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