Category Archives: Pop Culture

Dr. Logan Levkoff: Sex Week Comes Under Fire: College Students Shouldn’t Talk About Sex

The latest attack on sex comes from Margaret Brooks, in her Chronicle of Higher Education article entitled, Sex Week Should Arouse Caution Most of All. Even the Washington Post picked up on the unnecessary hysteria.

But this time sexuality educators aren’t being chastised for their work with kindergarten students, we are being called out for our work on college campuses.


So let me be perfectly transparent. I am (and will continue to be) a Sex Week speaker. I have been a participant in Sex Week at Yale (both 2008 and 2010), Sex Week at Northeastern, as well as many other universities and colleges. I have lectured on a range of subjects, including The Sexual Double Standard and its Impact on Relationships, The Mysteries of the Female Orgasm, The Portrayal of Masturbation: Past and Present, and The Challenges and Opportunities of The Hook-Up Culture, just to name a few.

Brooks’ suggestion that Sex Week’s sole purpose is to sell sex toys and pornography is irresponsible and incorrect. But I suppose it shouldn’t come as a surprise. We live in a culture where sexuality is demonized. If you are curious about sex (or god forbid do “it”) you are labeled a “slut”. If you are a woman who is found to be carrying condoms in Washington, D.C. you may be arrested for prostitution. Is it any wonder that college students are begging to have an intellectual forum to discuss all the intricacies and nuances about sexuality in our culture? Where else except on a college campus can multiple groups with multiple needs be given a voice and a venue to discuss pressing issues?

We are all sexual beings; sex is neither a dirty nor bad word. Sexuality is a key component in literature, history, politics, religion, and pop culture. Perhaps some people don’t think that it is an important subject to talk about in a critical or intellectual forum. That’s your prerogative. However, if we had some intelligent forums to talk about the range of issues found in sexuality, we wouldn’t have such an overwhelming need to seek out this information in unhealthy ways. (That’s where Sex Week comes in — whether Brooks like it or not, it is an intelligent forum.)

But I am not in the aforementioned camp. I believe that sexuality is as important a subject as anything else, even more so.

My work on college campuses is meaningful, beneficial, and in the end, increases the overall well being and health of those who attend my lectures. And those audience members are the only ones I am accountable to. And on a health note: to suggest — as Brooks does — that there is a problem with giving out free condoms is unconscionable. Have we ever looked at the U.S. rates of STIs and HIV? Teen pregnancy? If students (especially those who are over the age of 18 and fully capable of making independent decisions about sex) want condoms, give them out!!!

As I book my year of college lectures (including Sex Weeks at a variety of campuses), I am disheartened by the juvenile hysteria brought about by Brooks, but confident that I (and others like me) will continue to do our work…and do it well.

Read more: Sex Week at Yale, Logan Levkoff, Relationships, College, Sex Education, Sexuality, Sex, Living News

Holly Cara Price: Rubbernecking: Project Runway Episode 6, “You Can Totally Wear That Again”

As we re-enter the wacky world of the Runway Projectors this week, we’re treated to Michael D in bed chirping “Good morning” followed by, “it’s like being trapped in hell.” Which reminds me I’ve been meaning to make note of the atlas housing arrangements, who is bunking with who and like that. So here’s how that shakes out at the moment:
– Michael D, Casanova, Mondo, and Christopher (can you imagine the trash talking here)
– April, Peach (who seem to be brothers from different mothers…so to speak)
– Ivy, Valerie, Gretchen (hell’s bells, this is a beeyotch fest)
– Andy, Michael C (there is literally NO ONE who likes Michael C, including Andy)

Casanova’s just content at the moment to have immunity from last week’s win. Michael C is smarting from the Under-The-Bus-Throwathon last week (to camera: “bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep them all”). Ivy’s still kissing Gretchen’s ass, but behind her back opining to Valerie that she thinks the Tim speech last week was good for G and provided a reality check. Valerie diplomatically says that G has a strong personality and she tends to fall into a leadership role without realizing it. Meanwhile Gretchen pouts to camera, “I’m not a manipulative person and it really, really hurt my feelings to have Tim say that to me. It kind of clouds my vision a little bit.”

Off to Runwayville for the word on the next challenge. Enter La Klum, who tells them that this week’s challenge is to re-invent the world’s ugliest bridesmaid dresses into a fashionable look for the women who wore them and were told, as all bridesmaids are, “you can totally wear that again.” Eleven women join Heidi onstage in their dresses, which range from icky to disgusting in both fabric choice and color. This is where I notice that Ivy has the most shrill, horrible laugh.

Bridesmaid Dresses from Hell

Since Casanova won last week he gets first choice so he goes for a tall, model-proportioned girl named Julia. Heidi opens the black bag of doom to select the next designer to choose, which turns out to be Mondo (on whom I admit to having a big schoolgirl crush right now even though he obviously plays for the other team). Mondo chooses a tanned Jersey girl, Amanda, because her dress is a rosy pink and he likes the color. It’s not until she sashays off the runway that we see that there’s a weird ugly white laced up panel in the back. Mondo: “Now I’m sweating.”

Of course the last girl standing is the zaftig Jacleen. Michael D gets her by default as his is the last name out of the bag. “It’s a date,” he quips. “Alright, can’t wait,” returns Jacleen gamely. Meanwhile you know no one chose her because they don’t have the first idea how to make clothes that aren’t for tall, lithe models.

Jacleen ready for her date with destiny

Back to the workroom, where the dresses are placed on their dressforms at everyone’s space. Tim comes in and commiserates, “I have to tell you something, these are terrifying looking garments….what’s wrong with the bridesmaid dress industry, I ask you.” They get a 30-minute consultation with their new clients and then off to Mood with a budget of $50 to buy up to two yards of additional fabric. The caveat: they have to use most of the original dress in the design.

Christopher’s model has cold feet so a new victim has been chosen for him. April worries that her model is not open to her aesthetic and is too demanding. Michael C says it’s fun when you have a client you can relate to (at this point it’s probably fun to be able to relate to anyone since he’s in Cold Shoulderville – I feel bad for him). Peach gives her model runway walking lessons. Michael D talks about the challenges of designing for a woman “who’s a little more …um… voluptuous – it has the tendency to go really, really wrong.”

Tim is adorably 5th-grade-teacher-y as they go off to shop at Mood: “Yay! Follow me.”
During the shopping trip Michael D decides to buy upholstery fabric in order to get more yardage. It’s obvious he’s freaking about designing for a larger size woman, but he’s keeping it together for the cameras. “I don’t even want my girl’s size to be a conversation topic,” he says. “I think she has a wicked curvaceous body.”

For some reason this is the episode of do-rags. Valerie and Andy both sport one during their sewing day, see below
and on the runway day Michael D wears one that makes him look like an extra in Gone With the Wind. Do you think I’m kidding? See for yourself.

Valerie thinks that Michael C will wow the judges, who all think they’re crazy for thinking he’s talentless. Here I have to ask; why do they hate on Michael C so badly? He doesn’t appear to be a vicious backstabbing beeyotch like G, or a conniving kiss ass like Ivy. But there is not one designer that’s on his side. Even Casanova, who gives him a friendly shove and says he’s talented, is all nodding assent when everyone starts to trash talk on him. Likewise Peach – the show’s mom figure – is down on Michael C. Is there something on the editing room floor we don’t know about?

Speaking of editing, in an attempt to make us believe that Gretchen is not the stone cold beeyotch we all know now she really is, we get to eavesdrop this week on her videocam call to her mother. G is homesick and her mom advises her you can do this, to stick with it, tremendous opportunity etc. “My mom is one of my best friends,” G tells us. The call reminds her that she needs to stay focused on her work. Meanwhile Christopher has stayed her little lap dog, he was “crushed” when Tim made those comments at the end of last week’s show. “There’s not a malicious bone in her body,” Christopher says.

Enter La Gunn for Check In Time. G looks apprehensive, like she is being made to pet a dog that bit her. Tim comes over to her station first and the background music waxes a bit overdramatic. Tim likes what she’s doing but says she needs to guard against something that could look too athletic. G thanks him for his august advice and carries on.

Tim points out to Michael D how much of an honor and a privilege it is to design for someone who’s not a size 6. “I’m excited about it, you don’t even know,” says Michael D in such a way that I know he’s lying his ass off. He’s considering covering the front with a black netting which Tim thinks looks like a great big oversized bra. This can’t end well.


Mondo’s got a sixties mod thing going, “I’m actually crazy about it,” says Tim. (At this point I’m daydreaming about Mondo moving into my house when I make my first million and designing outfits for me full time).

Teen Heartthrob Time

I’m a little over Valerie, who’s too much into ganging up against Michael C for my taste and who also seems to be going too far into BadTasteville with her garment this week. Tim tells her it’s looking as far away from fashion as one can get and “looking more like clothes” (the way he says the word clothes sounds like it’s synonymous with vomit).

Peach is struggling with an awful gauzy print she chose for the top above the green pencil skirt. She’s thinking of adding some peplum to the bottom, at which Tim audibly groans, but agrees she does need something to break it up. Valerie to camera: “it’s a very ruffly grandma print paisley dress.”

Christopher’s challenge is to make his girl’s fabric not look like curtains, which it actually does. Curtains hanging in Liberace’s mansion in Las Vegas. Tim likes the way Casanova’s look is going, “there’s something sporty about it….I like this blouson.” Casanova comes back with his now trademark comment: Ek-saaaak-lee, ek-sak-lee.” (Check out mashup below of “Exactly,” by Casanova, from the Project Runway website)

Curveball time! Tim makes an announcement that tomorrow will not be a runway day but instead there will be a designer showcase with hundreds of people attending. Valerie wants to know if they will be real people (as opposed to…?). The designers will present their models and designs to the guests, who will vote on their favorite outfits. This will factor into the next day’s judging.

The ex-bridesmaids come in for a fitting. Michael C was on the fence about the lace top that his model wanted but decided she’s right and he’s going to add it. Peach is “in a little bit of a Peach panic” because she made a cutting error on the skirt and doesn’t have enough fabric left to fix it. She knows she’ll be in the bottom but thinks (hopes) there are worse garments this week. She doesn’t know if real people will like the dress because she herself doesn’t like it. (Gretchen to her roomies: Peach might be “caught up with”)

At the showcase each of them has a small stage where their client stands in the redesigned outfit next to a photo of what it looked like before. There’s also a tip jar people will put buttons into if they like the garment. Tim advises them to “engage” and “seduce” the guests.

The crowd ends up loving Michael C and Mondo’s looks. Michael D gets one button. G tells the folks that the bib like top she made is all handpainted and the look is versatile – could be worn with jeans and a blazer or could be office appropriate. I honestly question her taste level. Plus, as Michael C points out, there is serious side boobage going on.

He’s not kidding

Ivy has it in her mind that Michael C is poisoning people against her and telling them she’s the bitch of the show. Is it me or is there more bitchiness than usual this season?

Gretchen feeds into Ivy’s paranoia by telling her that Michael C is trying to figure out how to break her. When Andy asks Michael C if he was telling people not to vote for Ivy, Michael flat out denies it. “I would never ever do that.” He decides he’s going to talk to her about it. Ivy says she’s not going to confront him so she can conserve her energy and focus on getting to the end of the competition. When he does confront her the next day she brushes it off.

The morning of the runway show, Peach is feeling more confident because of the public’s reaction to her dress although she’s in a snit because the skirt still needs to be finished. As they all run around finishing up their garments and making revisions here and there, Tim comes in to reel off the product placements (my favorite: “use the Piperlime accessory wall very thoughtfully.”)

Runway Showtime. Our guest judge this week is Cynthia Rowley, who as it happens just launched a collection of bridesmaid dresses, quel coincidence. Casanova’s gone quite debonair in a vest, white shirt, and tie with a natty chapeau. April’s hair is down for once, which looks much better, kind of Gwen Stefani-ish. Peach is in my least favorite of her looks, the shopping mall looking pink sweater with the tiny eyeglasses all over it. Michael D’s sporting the Butterfly McQueen do-rag. Andy’s got a brand new Mohawk. As Cynthia Rowley is announced, Gretchen waves, clearly thrilled, and gives her a geeky fist pump.


It’s time for the show. Mondo‘s way pleased with his look, “the bridesmaid’s dress was a catastrophe, this dress is a miracle.” My thoughts? This boy is a freaking genius. This is so so cute. I love the hair because it’s very retro sixties (the judges don’t as you’ll see). She looks like she just walked off the set of Hullabaloo. Along with our model looks this week I’m going to give you the before of their garments, except for Christopher, who had no before photo.


Ivy‘s a little concerned over the fit of her model’s pants. For my money, this is a pretty good transformation of an ugly bridesmaid’s gown.


Valerie thinks her model looks great but Nina has that knitted brow look like what was she thinking – and this is not a look you ever want NG to have. I am hard pressed to believe that talented Valerie did this, it’s so unattractive.


Gretchen‘s model has a weird twotone bib top and the skirt looks like it was burnt with an iron, plus the thigh high boots. I’m starting to realize G has an unhealthy fascination with high boots.


Peach sees her model coming down the runway and expresses, “…I think for the love of God and all that’s holy what did I do to this girl.” Peach doesn’t look at the judges because she’s afraid of the look on MK’s face. Oh, triple ick. The skirt is wayyyyy too short. And the top…well, let’s let the shredding take place by the experts. One thing I have to say though, bra straps along with the halter top…not so much.


Andy‘s having second thoughts on his outfit, the shorts needed to be shorter perhaps but he feels the overall look is really good, really strong. Michael D: “She’s going to take your husband away.” To me, this looks so so boring. Far from a clubbing outfit which is what Tim said in the workroom, more like she’s going to do laundry on a summer afternoon on the lower east side. Am I crazy?


As his girl walks down the runway, Michael C is looking only at Nina’s face. “She looks at my dress and she puts the little card over her head and I was like, OHMYGOD IT’S TOO SHORT, I’m dying inside, that’s it, I’m going home.” I admit I’m impressed by this dress, especially made by someone the other designers keep saying has no talent.


Christopher‘s girl walks the plank. G tells him it’s really well made which must be her way of being nice or something. I think he did an admirable job with a flouncy dress that looked like curtains.


Michael D‘s model is next. The hair up looks too severe. She looks matronly. Not a look you would ever want to have, least of all on a runway. Heidi looks frankly puzzled. Michael D: “If they send me home they send me home. I’m not going to cry.” Jacleen deserved better.


Casanova likes his model’s look. He thinks making a dress from a dress is expected – but to make motorcycle pants from a bridesmaid’s dress is unexpected. I like this look, the colors are cute, and I really like the half boots he chose for the model to wear.


April is totally thrilled by her model, who walks like she knows her way around a runway. “Oh my God, she’s so fierce.” I haven’t been very impressed by April, in fact was surprised she made it this far, but she did well with this.


April, Ivy, Andy, Gretchen, and Casanova are declared safe and go off to the dishing area to dish on who’s on the top and who’s on the bottom. It’s another Michael C hatefest. April thinks he’s in the bottom. G says there are construction issues with his dress – “you can’t do a zipper, a swoop, lace and satin – COME ON!” Ivy says he’s kind of all over the place. April and Casanova just nod along.

Left on the runway are Michael C, Peach, Mondo, Valerie, Christopher, and Michael D. The judges start on – I mean with – Michael D. MK comes out with another great Korsism: “I actually think you went from bridesmaid to Bat Mitzvah.” Heidi says it looked better before. Nina says that the fabric is unfortunate, “it looks like mosquito netting from here, plus you can see every single detail that went wrong.” Cynthia says she thinks she sees that he was going for a kind of retro Mad Men idea but it didn’t work. The model, Jacleen, says she thinks it’s really fun and it feels way more comfortable than the original dress.

Christopher is next. MK says it feels like two dresses were glued together, he likes the top and the bias at the waist, but the bottom doesn’t work. Nina likes the top but feels the bottom is too short. Heidi finds it sexy and still very elegant. Cynthia is the biggest champion – “it feels like the bridesmaid’s dress was ripped apart and deconstructed…it’s beautiful…it’s perfect.”

Peach, oy vey gevolt. MK starts by saying, “I think her hair is gorgeous…” Peach gushes, “isn’t it beautiful?” Michael Kors finishes, “…but that’s all I think looks gorgeous. The shredding commences. “The top is a Holly Hobbie halter, there’s nothing sexy about it at all, I don’t think that the avocado dinner napkins tucked in at her hip are doing anything for you…She’s young and cool and you’re trying to make her look like she’s at the church Bring-A-Pot-Dinner.” Peach says she felt it was really chopping Erika without the peplum, to which MK argues that she has an avocado goiter. OUCH. Erika gamely thinks the outfit is fun, to which MK asks if she saw herself in a three-way mirror (she says yes). Heidi likes the racer back, but says the ruffle on the bottom looks like a bedskirt. Nina chimes in that the color is “boring” and the design “just looks weird and old.” Cynthia thinks fashion “should look effortless and this looks oddly uptight.” Peach admits she got lost. Heidi asks Erika if she feels sexy, Erika responds that she feels comfortable. “That means no,” laughs Heidi.

Let’s take a closer look at those avocado dinner napkins. Oh, ish.

Mondo is next. Nina likes the asymmetry, streamlined, modern. Cynthia says it’s a good transformation, sleek and cool. Her only issue is that Amanda’s hair looks like a style she would have worn with the original bridesmaid’s dress. MK loves the pink strip at the shoulder, both feminine and tough: “It’s a hot dress on a hot girl.”

Valerie takes some serious hits for her look. She starts to explain that she wanted to do color blocking to give the illusion of bringing Lena in. MK says that color blocking can do great things for your body but “the way this is color blocked it’s like you turned her into nursing grandmother chest.” Nina says the top is lopsided, “you’ve made her look shorter and broader than she is.” Cynthia adds the straps look a little Fredericks of Hollywood. Heidi’s one remark is that she didn’t hate it as much as everyone else.

Michael C is last. Heidi says it’s really edgy and really hip. Hard but still sexy and feminine. She loves the lace on top. MK says his styling is spot on, “you took a very bland bridesmaid’s dress and you gave her a cocktail dress that in fact looks very expensive.” Cynthia calls it’s “ultra sophisticated” and loves that it’s almost at that too-short length “where it’s exciting.” Nina loves the mix of the lace, the satin, the detail of the velvet bow in the back.

The judges dispatch everyone to the dishing area while they make their final decisions. Peach tells the group that her dress was “her gift to everyone here because you guys are safe.” Michael D says the judges thought his outfit looked cheap and that he made Jacleen look worse, “but Michael here…they loved his.” Michael C, who had been sitting quietly, admits that they loved the lace, the back, the little bow, the paneling. Everyone looks like they just smelled something really bad.

Back in JudgeLand, their top three are Michael C, Mondo and Christopher. Heidi liked the bustier and the one shoulder of Christopher’s dress. Cynthia is impressed with how effortless the faux organza drape on the top looked. As for Mondo, they all agree the transformation of his dress was astounding. Heidi: “he made a modern, hot dress.” Nina adds, “but the hair and makeup were the Jersey Shore. MK: “Snooki and the Flintstones.” As for Michael C, they seem to take special delight in the fact that the whole group trashed him severely last week for not knowing how to sew. MK says that dress had that perfect balance, the sleeve and higher neckline balanced the shorter hemline. It was a “phenomenal transformation” from the original dress.

The bottom three are Valerie, Michael D, and Peach. MK calls Valerie’s “a really bad tennis dress gone wrong.” Cynthia calls it “a kinda weird cartoon character.” Michael D, they all agree, made the model look so much worse than the original dress. Peach’s dress looked “homesewn” (Heidi), “totally over-designed” (Nina). MK says “she has the sewing and tailoring skills – it’s the taste level that I’m worried about.”

How about some peplum?

As the six of them file back out to face the music, barely after the door closes on them, Gretchen flips out. “What show are we on???? I feel like I don’t even know why I’m here, man! I had to bite my tongue.” Andy says he feels like they’re spinning him in five circles. I mean, I’ve heard of sore losers, but this is beyond ridiculous!

Michael C is the winner. He is so excited he jumps up and down and immediately goes to hug Valerie, who’s standing next to him, forgetting in his excitement that she hates him as much as the rest of them do. This means he has immunity for the next challenge. He’s teary-eyed and goes back to the dishing area.

When Michael C comes into the room and announces that he won, everyone looks dismayed. Ivy (in a bitchy voice): “of course you did.” Gretchen, frowning, tells the camera “it’s frustrating because craftsmanship isn’t as acknowledged as I had hoped it to be.” Yes, we can’t all make a garment that looks like an iron burnt it in several places.

Reaction Shots to Michael C’s win

Casanova’s the only one who admits he respects Michael C as a designer. Wow. So much vitriol. It’s just like being in junior high school where the popular kids freeze out one unlucky kid. Mondo’s next to come back as safe and second runner up. When he comes in there’s a chorus of well wishing. Christopher’s next as third runner up, another chorus of gladness from the dishing area.

Valerie escapes from the bottom three as safe. Peach and Michael D are the bottom two. Michael D narrowly escapes, he’d better thank his lucky stars for that avocado peplum. Peach – out. She graciously thanks the judges, saying, “thank you, I’ve had the time of my life.” She goes back to say goodbye to the troops: “Who’s gonna be the fairy dragmother?”

Everyone is sad, and even I have to admit a tear comes to my eye, even though I couldn’t understand why Peach kept slithering through week after week (simple answer, there were worse trainwrecks – but the writing was on the wall). She’s such a nice lady – that’s the truth. Tim comes in to bid a fond farewell: “You’re a gem and we’re going to miss you a lot.” There’s nary a dry eye in the room.

And sew it goes!

Check out the Michael C video diary for this episode in which he tells us how he really feels about everyone hating on him, from the official Project Runway site.

If you’re digging my recaps, check out my new Tumblelog

Project Runway airs Thursday nights at 9pm ET on Lifetime TV

Read more: Reality TV, April Johnston, Piperlime, Peach Carr, Project Runway, Entertainment, Nina Garcia, Valerie Mayen, Rubbernecking, Heidi Klum, Style News, Hullabaloo, Ivy Higa, Lifetime TV, Cynthia Rowley, Andy South, Michael Drummond, Michael Kors, Gretchen Jones, Tim Gunn, Bridesmaid Dresses, Casanova, Mondo Guerra, Michael Costello, Christopher Collins, Peplum, Do-Rags, TV Recaps, Entertainment News

Lady Gaga Hospitalized Repeatedly For Dangerous Dieting?

Internationally celebrated for her wildly original performances, Lady Gaga may have a wildly unoriginal habit: going hungry to look good onstage. A new biography penned by Maureen Callahan, ‘Poker Face: The Rise and Rise of Lady Gaga,’ reveals startling claims about the seemingly confident singer, according to RadarOnline.

Gaga’s former tour manager, David Ciemny, alleges in the book that the 24-year-old binged on junk food when not depriving herself of calories altogether. And he claims that in 2009 alone, the Grammy winner landed in the hospital six times while dieting to slim down. Not once, not twice, but six times last year.

Read more: Lady GaGa, Lady Gaga Diet, Celebrity Body, Entertainment News

Sunil Sharan: Enemy in Need can be Friend Indeed

Come hell or high water, India and Pakistan’s leaders continually nose-thumb one another. Each snub is met with a counter-snub; every kindness by suspicion and prickliness. Memories of ghosts past inspire cold shoulders today. Would the enemy crow about its magnanimity for all time to come? Might acceptance of help be construed by the other as weakness to be parlayed into future gain? Or, worst perhaps of all, would public opinion shift and make redundant much of the carefully-constructed paraphernalia of conflict?

Pakistan started getting inundated in late July. Only two weeks later, on August 13, with much of the country deluged, did India extend an offer of $5 million in aid. Predictably, Pakistan stonewalled. Both countries had swallowed pride before to accept assistance in kind after massive earthquakes, but taking pity money now was stooping just too low. And, funnily enough, the man who wrote the check, India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, did not once bother to commiserate with his neighbour in his Independence Day address two days later. Instead, like a stuck record, he once again cautioned Pakistan against fomenting terrorism in his country. For a man being hailed globally as a model of grace and humility, this was no shining moment.

Hackles raised, Pakistan dug in. Already paralyzed by bomb blasts, ground war, air strikes, a plane crash, and with a huge chunk of the country now deluged, was the country in any position to terrorize anyone? Moreover, its image in the West as the house of terror, a portrait etched to perfection by India, was already coming in the way of flood relief. A new imbroglio was thus created. Only a phone call from Manmohan Singh to Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani of Pakistan and a nudge, oops, more like a shove, from the Americans were able to resolve it. Gilani acquiesced in the subcontinental fashion, wherein ‘yes’ is often mouthed when ‘no’ is actually meant, and seemingly sealed the deal by sending choice mangoes to Singh.

While the mangoes were no doubt delicious, the money itself was presumed to be rancid. Gilani’s government went into contortions. Well, like bitter medicine, it had to be taken, but how to imbibe it? Direct ingestion would churn the stomach too much. Finally the via media of the UN was suggested and accepted without fuss. This time round India loosened its purse-strings by upping the offer to $25 million, and Pakistan showed tact in not balking.

The India-Pakistan side-show had once again stolen the thunder from the main task at hand, to get the world to come to Pakistan’s aid quickly and generously. Reams of global newsprint and gobs of cyberspace instead focused on the countries’ visceral mutual dislike, which always seems to make for fascinating copy and against whose powers even force majeure withers away. Noted commentators on both sides got into the act. Oh, how low can we go to accept money soaked with Kashmiri blood? We must not allow them to grandstand before the world. To show how caring they are and how much better off Kashmir would be with them.

The other side pulled no punches either. The money would go to the Taliban, who in turn would storm in on horse-hoofs and balkanize India. This must surely be the most potent $5 million in history! Others cussed at the churlishness of the Pakistanis. Look at them, beggars affording to be choosers, and when we extend a hand, instead of grasping it gratefully, they slap it. All they think about is Kashmir, Kashmir, Kashmir.

All the while the lives and livelihoods of millions were being washed away. Helping Haiti had become somewhat de rigueur for the world. So many global celebrities got into the act that fundraisers were held as far away as India. But even a candle isn’t being lighted by the country, at least visibly, when it comes to Pakistan.

Granted that public giving in response to disasters is somewhat removed from the subcontinental psyche. What after all is the government for? But many Indians hail from across the border and ramble on and on about a shared heritage and pleasant memories. Wagah, the India-Pakistan border post, has no dearth of candle-lighters ushering in peace. Bear-hugs and lavish meals abound whenever cricket teams and fans cross over. But if a crisis of such magnitude doesn’t shake people’s apathy, of what good is all the faux amity?

Or, perhaps Indians have decided it best to shy away from all things Pakistani? If Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan could have brickbats rain on him for innocuous comments made in favor of Pakistan earlier this year, imagine what fate could befall on lesser people. Some of India’s Muslims must surely want to mobilize relief for what in many instances are families and friends in the proximate country. Bucking the majoritarian trend can often invite peril though.

Global warming is hot but its effects have remained so far in the speculative domain. Many experts are now talking about a causal link between climate change and the devastation wrought in Pakistan. Sure, the river Indus is long and mighty, but no less so are its counterparts in India, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. Who can say where nature will go awry next?

While the UN plays an intermediary role, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is conspicuously missing in action. The body has been reduced to issuing banal statements once in a while. At best, it has served to bring India and Pakistan together when at their antagonistic worst. South Asia is no stranger to natural calamities. Why doesn’t SAARC establish a relief corpus to be funded by member countries and others? Much of the unseemliness witnessed recently would then be avoided. And, enemies in need might just be able to become friends.

Read more: Floods, Yousaf Raza Gilani, India, South Asia, War on Terror, Bollywood, Terrorism, Pakistan, United Nations, Angelina Jolie, Pakistan Floods, Taliban, Barack Obama, Kashmir, Haiti Earthquake, Manmohan Singh, Haiti, Haiti Earthquake Relief, Hillary Clinton, Un, Shah Rukh Khan, Saarc, Water, Hurricane Katrina, World News

Peter H. Gleick: Celebrities and Bottled Water: Spoiled, Misinformed, or Just Plain Weird

The explosive growth in bottled water use by Americans, and indeed, much of the rest of the world, is due to many factors, including both unfounded and legitimate concerns about tap water, disappearing water fountains from our public spaces, misleading and false advertising, and a desire to emulate our famous (and infamous) public figures. We used to drink 1 gallon of bottled water a year, on average. Now it is nearly 30 gallons a year per person. These issues are all addressed in the book Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water, along with the serious environmental and energy consequences of our bottled water use.

More and more, we are seeing celebrities drinking bottled water, carrying bottled water in public, or even hawking bottled water for a fee. It is hard to miss the huge advertising blitz with Jennifer Aniston for Smart Water, in a deal that is no doubt worth millions to her (I’ve heard one million, I’ve heard four million, I’ve heard stock options: does anyone actually know? A million dollars will drill more than 300 water wells in Africa).

Celebrities live in a different world, where they come to expect special treatment. Perhaps the weirdest expression of this is seen in the bottled water demands in contracts and riders that celebrities require when they perform, or speak, or otherwise appear in public. We’ve all heard about the recent demands of Sarah Palin for two bottles of “unopened still water” with “bendable straws” (on top of her demand for a specific kind of private jet on top of her $75,000 plus speaker fee). She’s not the only politician to be picky about bottled water. As Vice President, Dick Cheney insisted on 4-6 bottles of water in his room, along with two bottles of “Sparkling water (Calistoga or Perrier)” if his wife accompanied him. Of course, Cheney also required that “All televisions [in his hotel rooms] tuned to FOX News…” lest he accidently see other sources of news and information. Senator John Kerry wanted his bottled water “uncarbonated. Poland Spring preferred. No Evian.”

But there are lots more strange demands (thanks to the Smoking Gun for collecting and displaying a great collection of celebrity contracts and demands):

During his 2003 Poodle Hat Tour “Weird Al” Yankovic demanded bottled water in his dressing room but insisted that it NOT be Dasani water. In contrast, Kelly Clarkson insists that her water BE Dasani (though her band apparently wants Fiji Water).

AC/DC asked for both Evian and spring water (in addition to 3 oxygen tanks and 3 masks).

Mary J. Blige insists on Fiji water “absolutely, positively must be FIJI” at room temperature.

As part of the flight arrangements for Tiger Woods and his wife Elin Nordegren in 2004, the contract specified “Mr. Tiger Woods drinks liter bottles of Evian cold… Ms. Nordegren drinks Fiji room temperature…”

Christina Aguilera wants Arrowhead, along with L’Occitane vanilla-scented candles with matches, 4 black bath towels, and Veuve Clicquot champagne.

For a while, Madonna insisted on having bottles of special Kabbalah water at her photo shoots and appearances. She may still.

Other celebrity bottled water demands? Clay Aiken (“anything but Evian”); Brooks and Dunn (“spring water for the local crew; Evian or Napa…iced down for the artists”); Kris Allen (20 bottles of “SmartWater…No Dasani or Aquafina”); the Jonas Brothers (“6 bottles Vitaminwater (yellow, red, orange)”); Mariah Carey (mineral water so she and her dog can bath in it. Oh, and she also wants bendy straws); Britney Spear’s 2000 tour insisted on dozens of bottles of Evian, though in 2005 she went through a Kabbalah phase when Madonna switched from Evian to Kabbalah.

And there are even some efforts by a few celebrities to be, at least a little, environmentally sensitive: In 2008, Pearl Jam asked for bottled water, but “preferably ETHOS water, no Aquafina, Dasani, or Evian.” Ethos Water is sold by Starbucks and some of the profits are given to help fund drinking water projects in developing countries. Sheryl Crow, who tries hard to be green, insisting on recyclable, biodegradable, and organic stuff, asks for backstage “watering stations,” with water that “must be sourced from a local spring water vendor,” though she also asks for Perrier water, owned by Nestle.

We want to know what celebrities are doing, who they are dating, and even what water they are drinking. And we want to imitate them: do what they do, eat what they eat, drink what they drink. If we’re going to look up to them as role models at all, wouldn’t it be nice if they were good ones?

Peter Gleick
Pacific Institute

Read more: "Weird Al" Yankovic, Britney Spears, Fiji Water, Madonna, Kelly Clarkson, Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession With Bottled Water, Dick Cheney, Sheryl Crow, Evian, Pearl Jam, Jennifer Aniston, John Kerry, Mariah Carey, Sarah Palin, Tiger Woods, Elin Nordegren, Christina Aguilera, Aquafina, Dasani, Bottled Water, Green News

Kara DioGuardi Is Leaving ‘American Idol’

AP: LOS ANGELES – Kara DioGuardi is following Ellen DeGeneres and Simon Cowell out the door at “American Idol.”

Her departure leaves Randy Jackson, who’s been with the singing contest from the start, the last judge standing, for now. Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez are the reported front-runners for the panel.

Entertainment mogul Simon Fuller, creator of the British show “Pop Idol” that was the template for the U.S. series he produces, called DioGuardi a standout songwriter whom he planned to work with in music “for many years to come.”

DioGuardi, whose exit had been rumored, is a hit machine whose songs have been recorded by Gwen Stefani, Faith Hill, Marc Anthony and others, including past “Idol” winners.

“I felt like I won the lottery when I joined `American Idol’ two years ago, but I feel like now is the best time to leave `Idol,'” DioGuardi said in a statement Friday, calling her experience as a judge on the show “amazing.”

Her statement, issued by Fox, didn’t elaborate on her reasons for leaving. Her contract reportedly had a one-year option remaining that the network could have exercised.

Although she offered informed critiques on “Idol,” observers faulted her for lacking the pizazz — and unpredictability — that ex-judge Paula Abdul had provided.

DioGuardi’s departure comes as the top-rated show continues auditions for its 10th season, which starts airing in January. Tryouts have been held in six cities, with a seventh announced this week for Los Angeles on Sept. 22.

The final decision on which would-be pop stars make it on the show rests with the judges, who are likely to begin filming their audition segments this month.

Cowell started the exodus from “American Idol” earlier this year, when he announced he was leaving to launch another talent show for Fox, “The X Factor,” based on the hit British program he created.

In July, DeGeneres, who was brought in to replace Abdul, said she was leaving after a single season. The talk show host said she felt uncomfortable criticizing young talent.

Some critics had complained DeGeneres was more of a cheerleader than an incisive critic in the fashion of Cowell, who was consistently blunt in his remarks.

The judges’ turnover gives “American Idol” a chance to recapture the Cowell-Abdul chemistry that helped make the show a hit, along with, crucially, its ability to launch such top-selling artists as Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson.

While the show has long been No. 1 in the ratings, it has to stem a slide in viewership to remain there.

A total of 24.2 million viewers watched the ninth season’s final duel between Lee DeWyze and Crystal Bowersox, compared to the nearly 29 million viewers who saw Kris Allen win over Adam Lambert last year.

Read more: Kara DioGuardi, American Idol, Kara DioGuardi American Idol, Kara Dioguardi Idol, Entertainment News

Tallulah Morehead: Big Brother 12: The Puppetry of the Pea-Brains.

Sunday: The first quarter hour of Sunday evening’s show replayed the Thursday show with a few new Diary Room soundbites, before we even got to the HOH competition. It was like a rerun of an hour ago.

But it was worth it for this new sound bite: Enzo, better known as Batman’s nemesis The Penguin, said: “De Brains goes home. Maybe he wasn’t De Brains after all, because I beat him, and you know I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer.”

I do know The Penguin isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. He wouldn’t be the sharpest knife in the drawer even if he were the only knife in the drawer. If he’d been in Norman Bates’s kitchen, Janet Leigh would still be alive today. The Penguin is duller than Atlas Shrugged. Nor have I ever seen a knife that wore sunglasses indoors.

But what was the point of reshowing over ten minutes the five minutes of pointless plotting to evict Ragan, when we all know Brendon went back to the waiting breasts of Boobiac? Let’s get on to the HOH competition. It’s not like I wasn’t also busy reviewing The Emmy Awards Show, which was on at the same time.

Well, we did get The Penguin saying: “Now dat Ragan’s off the block, I gotta choose between Britney or Brendon. So, who’s gonna be harder to beat? Dat’s a no-brainer, even for me. Brendon, duh.” Somehow, The Penguin being aware that he’s a dimwit doesn’t make him any more likeable.

The Penguin on The Neandertal‘s eviction: “You’ll have Rachel in the jury house. Go make ugly babies.” He should talk. Pity any baby that resembles The Penguin. (Are there infants with hair plugs?)

If Boobiac’s and Brendon’s babies resemble Brendon, they could be gorgeous. If they look like her, well, what does she actually look like? I mean without fake hair and fake boobs, and heaven knows what else about her she’s had manufactured. It’s remotely possible that Boobiac started out looking perfectly okay. But then, if she can, I’m sure Boobiac would have her girl fetus given silicone implants in utero, so it would be born able to nurse itself. Do they have formula Tequila for the babies of drunken sluts?

Why were they putting on layers of clothing for the outdoor HOH competition? It was triple digit heat out there during the day last Thursday, and well into the 80s even at midnight.

Lane, aka The Beast, was conflicted. The Penguin was insistent that Ragan and Bitchney were to be nominated, as the only non-Brigade members left in the house. But The Beast, knowing that he might win HOH, has grown too attached to Bitchney. He thinks of her in the shower, as he’s – ah – picking at his ear with his visible hand. He’d prefer to throw the competition. “Hopefully Enzo can win, and make that decision for me. So Enzo, pull it out. Win this one.”

1. Under no conceivable circumstances do I want to see The Penguin “pull it out.”

2. The Penguin win a competition? Puh-leaze. Kathy has a better shot at winning HOH, and she’s gone. His is not the basket into which to put all one’s eggs. The Penguin is 100% mouth. 0% game.

Head of Household Competition: The game was “Big Brother Blackjack,” a card game involving using a small ramp to toss a ball into a target. It in no way involved the actual skillsets needed to win at blackjack. So naturally The Penguin, in disguise by being out of his tux, thought he’d have it aced. As James Bond movies go, this was not so much the Daniel Craig version of Casino Royale, as the Peter Sellers version.

In the first round, Ragan managed to hit his two targets in three balls, prompting this insane remark from The Penguin: “Wow. Ragan. Who knew Ragan, dis bag of bones, could play blackjack so well?” He’s not playing Blackjack! He’s playing Ski-ball. Playing Blackjack involves sitting, looking at two or three cards, and saying stuff like “Hit me,” or “I’ll stand with these,” not launching small balls down a ramp towards targets.

After his utterly pathetic second-round failure to hit any target at all, The Penguin said: “Man, I can’t win anything, man,” a moment of self-discovery so intense, he needed to say “man” twice in one sentence. Who knew he was such a lousy Blackjack player? His pathetic performance shocked — ah — um — well, it shocked him.

Hayden’s Diary Room summation was an unusually accurate observation for a man with a curtain of frizzies now hanging over his eyes, owing to his relentless refusal to cut or groom his hair. (He’s the shaggy clod.) “Enzo bombs another competition. I have to say one thing for the guy; he has been the most-consistent competitor all season long.”

Ragan beat me! Ragan beat me!” The Penguin wailed in bewilderment, apparently not having noticed prior to this that Ragan has been wiping up the floor with him in competitions for nine weeks. “You see how tight Ragan’s shirt is? Like he can’t even breathe. Like he can’t move his arms in that shirt.” Ragan’s shirt is form-fitting, but it’s not that tight. His sleeves are hanging loose on his skinny excuse for biceps. And in any event, what’s The Penguin’s excuse? He wasn’t even in his Penguin suit. “De more I stay in this house, de more embarrassing it gets.” So leave. The Penguin was born embarrassing and will die embarrassing.

So it came down to Ragan vs The Beast. Ragan clutched, and The Beast became Head of Household, and was faced with the choice of Brigade loyalty vs sex. This choice might have had some suspense, if I’d never met a man before in my whole life. They can trumpet “Bros before hos” all they want, but when the choice is save a platonic bud, or get laid, getting laid always wins. Always!

The real revelation of The Beast’s HOH Room was that The Beast comes from money. He doesn’t work for The Ewings. His family are The Ewings! They own their own oil company. It turns out that The Beast’s job, which he has been making sound like he labors out on oil rigs, covered in grime and grease, actually consists of playing golf and taking clients to restaurants. He owns two cars and a new house. He’s rich! Instantly all the other players were thinking “He doesn’t need the prize money.” Certainly that was Hayden’s thought, he who hasn’t made $5000 in two years.

Hammock talk: Bitchney: “What are ya thinkin’ ’bout?”

Hayden: “Nothin’.”

I believe him. I can hear the unwavering bleeeeeeep of his inactive mind from here. I can hear his ends splitting.

The Penguin on the possibility of being on the block: “I’m not having that.” Well then maybe you should trying winning something.

I know it gets boring in the house, intensely boring, which is why I wonder why on earth anyone pays money for the live feeds to watch a bunch of boobs sitting around, bored out of their minds, but this was a new low for CBS turning desperate to fill an hour: we saw The Penguin pretending to use the weight bench as a small space cruiser (It’s a safe bet he wouldn’t be using it to exercise. I haven’t forgotten his lifting the weight bar with no weights on it at all. Gee, why can’t he win competitions?), while Bitchney fashioned tiaras out of tin foil. It was like watching recess at an elementary school. Next they’ll be making baking soda volcanoes, and construction paper dioramas.

Pandora’s Box: Again? What now? It’s already subjected us to the return first of Boobiac, and then of Jesse. What fresh horror could it unleash? The return of Chima? So far, they’ve been punishing we viewers more than the houseguests. This time The Beast was offered a “Money Tree.” He could select up to three envelopes from the tree. It was possible, if he picked the right envelopes, to win $10,000. The Beast showed the one characteristic common to all rich people: greed. (How do you think they get rich?) He went for it.

And he picked the wrong three envelopes, getting himself a grand total of $91.17, of which he said: “Maybe I could fill my car up with gas.” What does he drive? A tank? And excuse me, his family owns an oil company. Doesn’t he get his gas free?

The house was to get a punishment for each envelope. And the house doesn’t believe he only made $91.17. For all they know, he made the full $10,000. This turned out so lamely, you’d have thought he was The Penguin. Okay. That’s unfair. If The Penguin had been choosing envelopes, he’d have ended up owing the tree $10,000.

The First Punishment: while the houseguests lazed outside, all their eating utensils, and cups and glasses vanished, so they could eat and drink like pigs for a while. I wonder if The Penguin will even notice.

The moment The Beast told Bitchney he wouldn’t nominate Hayden, she went right to Female Defensive Whine #1: “So what you’re saying is you like Hayden better than me?” Please shoot me. Ladies of the world, men always and without exception like their men friends better than you! It’s only that they consider you their only option for sexual pleasure that gets you to trump the guys. This is why it’s essential for women to keep homophobia alive. If men ever reached the point of actually considering each other as viable a sexual option as women, they would have no reason to put up with this sort of behavior whatever, and the human race would die out in one generation.

The Beast stupidly went around asking everyone except Ragan if they wouldn’t mind being the pawn. He might as well have asked: “Anyone want to hit themselves in the head with a hammer? It feels real good when you stop.” Outside of Texas, no one would say yes to that.

The Penguin doesn’t understand why The Beast doesn’t want to put up Bitchney. Boy is he married.

Nominations: The Beast listened to his Number one Adviser, the one in his pants, and nominated Ragan and The Penguin. I giggled. The Penguin actually thought The Brigade would outrank The Package. Welcome to the real world, Penguin.

In justifying it, The Beast said: “Enzo, you are great people.” Apparently he thinks no one person could be as lame as The Penguin. He must be plural.

Wednesday: The Penguin and Ragan, whom I am now renaming “The Whiner,” sat around and asked each other if they were “okay,” with all the portentous seriousness usually reserved for asking about imaginary terminal bone diseases. The Penguin wasn’t really needed in the conversation, since The Whiner has reached the point of whining out loud to himself when alone. Either that, or else the voices in his head have gotten so loud that now I can hear them.

The houseguests are so overwhelmingly bored, that for lack of anything to do, they held a “Shunning of the Penquin” ceremony when The Penguin’s week in the penguin suit ended. The Penguin said: “The Meow Meow gets to shun away from The Penguin, and gets to be himself again.” Not here. Here he shalt ever and forever be The Penguin, squawking menace to Gotham City’s good citizens. Also, it would appear that he’s not fully cognizant of the meaning of “shun”. Well, I’m sure he’ll find out what being shunned really means when he returns home after the series ends. He certainly will if he meets me.

Watching The Whiner cram for a possible exam was about as exciting as watching anyone cram for an exam.

Power of Veto Competition: The concept of Otev returned from last year, this time incarnated as a “Happy Singing Clam” that looked like a rejected dark-ride character from a low-budget Disneyland competitor. It involved singing clues to houseguests’ imacted names, retrieving muddy CDs, and climbing ramps made of what looked like ice.

The Whiner, this week’s target, he who is without allies, he who has pulled it out and won challenges in the clutch before, fouled up, and was almost eliminated in the first round. He was only saved by The Beast’s amazing stupidity, as he actually got the wrong answer-CD.

Hayden kept The Brigade Loser tradition alive, and went out in the second round.

Bitchney went out next, leaving the two nominees as the last two competitors, insuring a change in nominations. Could The Penguin actually win an individual competition?

In a world where clams sing, and Jimmy Fallon has his own TV show, anything can happen. The Penguin knew where the answer CD was from his earlier searches, and body-slammed The Whiner out of the way to get to it first. This is perfectly kosher play. It is, after all, full-contact Happy Singing Clam CD Retrieval.

When the impossible happened, and The Penguin won, The Whiner channeled his inner-Brendon-the-Sore-Loser, and hurled his last, loser CD at Otev the Clam, which sailed off of it, rebounding so that the hard edge of it slammed into The Penguin’s hairplugs. Hello Big Brother producers and watchdogs; that’s assault on a fellow player. Isn’t that an instant-removal-from-the-house offence, as well as behavior fit for 5 year olds?

And The Whiner was off to cry and babble his self-pity aloud to himself, in an effort to make himself as unpopular outside the house as he is inside the house. When will people learn that self-pity is a most-unappetizing emotion?

Bitchney put the screws to The Beast to keep her off of the block, as he was preparing to take a, it appeared, shower, fully-dressed. Of course, given the viral-internet popularity of a certain clip of The Beast – let’s say – scratching his ears in the shower, he may never shower naked again. That clip has now been seen by more people than have watched Janet Leigh shower at the Bates Motel. (Ms Leigh’s famous motel shower is also less creepy, given that The Beast uses pulling his ear to say “hello” to his mother. “Hi Mom! Still proud a me?”)

As soon as Bitchney was utterly assured she’d just be a 100% safe pawn, The Penguin began thinking it might be the right time to break up the third showmance, by sending out Bitchney.

The Second Punishment: Bitchney’s theory for the second punishment was: “We’re the only people left on earth.” That would indeed be a terrible punishment for them, and a narrow escape for the rest of us, when you consider that in a very few weeks now, they will all be released back into the wild with us! I just wonder, given what her theory was for the second punishment, what she did she think the third would be? Might number three be that there’s nothing left on earth to wear but hippie-tards and penguin suits?

Well, it wasn’t quite as bad as mankind being wiped out except for the five-least-deserving human specimens. No, it was — sock puppets!

Is this a punishment, a crafts project, or the pilot for Big Brother: Sesame Street? Each houseguest received a puppet that had some feature that suggested that houseguest. Bitchney’s had fake-blond, yarn hair. Hayden’s had the frizzies, The Penguin’s had what all took for cat whiskers, but which were actually the long nails that all of America watching Big Brother this summer would like to see hammered into The Penguin’s face if he ever opens his mouth or goes shirtless again (or maybe they’re supposed to be hairplugs), The Beast’s has a fist where most people would have a brain, and The Whiner’s hates itself.

The contestants had to speak only through the puppets for 24 hours. The Beast’s puppet was trying to eat an entire can of Pringle’s. Or, maybe it was just trying to choke itself to death, after what The Beast had made it do in the shower. Is Sock Puppet Rape a crime?

Meanwhile, as The Brigade tried to plot, their sock puppets were betraying their secrets to each other, and forming a secret sock-puppet alliance, the Top Left-Hand Drawer Alliance, and began laying plans to oust the puny humans, and have an all-sock-puppet final four. The Beast’s puppet was the new ringleader, since it had demonstrably more brains than the man using it.

The Whiner, desperate for a friend, tried to form an alliance with his own sock puppet, but Socks wasn’t having it. It’s not easy being made of an absorbent material when you’re being worn by a chronic crybaby. Having to sit on his hand and listen to The Whiner whine to it hour after hour was making Socks suicidal. (“I want my life back.” Oh yes, Whiner, quoting Tony Hayward. Good role model. No wonder your sock puppet wants to stage a coup.)

The Penguin’s sock puppet doesn’t get the appeal of golf. Me neither. Mark Twain called it “a good walk spoiled,” though judging from Tiger Woods’s last year, it’s more like “a good walk by the spoiled.” Man, is CBS desperate to fill out an hour of TV this week: puppets discussing how stupid golf is.

Said The Penguin’s sock puppet of golf: “I don’t know; it’s like another language to me.” Oh heavens, it’s like English to him.

I was sorry when the 24 hours ended. I was starting to like the sock puppets far more than the houseguests, but these socks were made for walking, and that’s just what they did. Next stop: eBay.

The Third Punishment: This punishment I dubbed “Mike Boogie Fever”. Music would start up at random times, and the houseguests had to “dance.” It’s the new hit series: Dancing With the Brigade. It had one good thing going for it: Bristol Palin wasn’t one of the “dancers.”

“Do I Fear a Waltz? Hayden Moss, Music Critic: “To make things even worse, classical music gets mixed in this bunch.” No comment from me required. But he added, as his horror at being subjected to a Strauss waltz mounted: “Like, did they even dance back then? I mean, what is that.?” It’s a waltz, you pathetic moron, a type of dance they did “back then.”

Why am I lying to the poor boy? He attends college in that bastion of forward-thinking, Arizona, which just re-elected John McCain, so we know they’re all really, really smart out there. And like allArizonians with higher education, he knows “dancing” was invented in 1986.

The Beast: “The music can come on any time of the day. It doesn’t matter if you’re napping, sleeping, swimming, lifting.” The Beast sees “sleeping” and “napping” as two different activities.” At least this finally gave us some night-vision shots of The Beast shirtless. I was beginning to fear that his brown t-shirt was a half-body tattoo.

Though no genius, nor even merely mentally-competent to make his own legal decisions, The Beast has realized that if he nominates Bitchney, his Brigade Brothers may very well take advantage of the chance to end Showmance 3: Bitchney and the Beast, and he’s not ready to end this fantasy romance made in Texarkana just yet. Hayden, still recovering from hearing the better part of a full minute of Deadly Classical Music the day before, is in no mood to have this further horror thrust on his still-weakened system.

Bitchney however, had the advantage over Hayden of pillow-talk wheedling, which now consisted of more iterations of “You like Hayden more than me.” I was waiting for “Why don’t you just marry Hayden, if you like him so much?” but CBS cut it. She finally nagged him into retreat: “I think we should go back to sleep.” Wait. Were they “sleeping” or “napping”? It looked more like napping to me, but I’m not the expert The Beast is. It may seem like a trivial question, but assume for a moment that you are Bitchney’s hapless fiancĂ© back in Arkansas, which would sound worse to you: “I napped with Lane,” or “I slept with Lane”?

Veto Ceremony: The Penguin took himself off the block. I wondered if he would, or if he would forget. He’s not the best-sliced egg in the salad.

Sex triumphed again. The Beast nominated Hayden to replace The Penguin. He has now done what Mr. Mensa never did, betrayed all members of The Brigade. The last of loyalty is lying in the sock drawer.

The Whiner now realizes that there are “cracks in this boy’s alliance; and I’m going to do what I can to try to expose these cracks…” Oh Whiner; what a wellspring of gay stereotypes you have been all summer, from your bromance, to your whining, to your craybaby jags, and now, to your announcing your intentions to do all you can to expose the straight’s boys’ cracks. Start with The Beast’s, okay? There’s no rush on The Penguin’s.

Thursday: Back against the wall, no sock puppets left to conspire with, The Whiner must scramble his brains out to avoid eviction. He’s got to get his face deep down into those cracks, and spread them wide.

First The Whiner went to Bitchney. If he could swing her vote, it would go to The Beast to break the tie vote. The Whiner told Bitchney, that a final two of her and him would be the only way she’d have a chance to win. I’m not sure that’s true, but what do I know? I watch Big Brother.

Then The Whiner pitched to The Beast to betray The Brigade and break the tie in his favor. It would be a big move that would shake up the last few episodes.

Said The Beast: “Ragan’s got me thinking.” Wow. Talk about accomplishing the impossible! Someone should loose The Whiner on Paris Hilton.

Hoping to hear The Whiner whine about how miserable the sock puppets were, the Chenbot was disappointed when The Whiner enjoyed the sock puppets. Well of course he did; when he had his puppet, he had his only friend. She should have asked Hayden, who could have complained about the ear damage he suffered being subjected to classical music, and then he could have asked Miss Chen what people did back in the olden days before dancing was invented, when Julie was a little girl.

Said The Penguin of his penguin suit: “That was definitely a cool penguin.” I fear he is unaware that penguins come from polar regions, and thus that all penguins are cool.

We went out to the jury house this week, where Boobiac is lying about in the sun, her red-cellophane hair sparkling and melting in the afternoon glare, reading thick books full of chemicals and equations and stuff. The two blessed weeks I’ve gone since last hearing her shrill braying laugh ended in a teeth-jittering scream of a cackle, as the Boobster befouled my screen once again.

Boobiac told us, at length, how Mr. Mensa would be coming through the door, just before Kathy wandered in, hollering “There’s a new sheriff in town” in the severely-mistaken belief that it would sound cool, like a penguin.

Kathy got to drawl out to Boobiac about Mr. Mensa’s Diamond Power of Veto. Boobiac sad and mad. That’s bad, she’s sad. I’m glad she’s mad.

“I felt like a victim in a crime,” overstated Kathy, who took her blindside as equal to someone who’s just been raped or assaulted or murdered. If only she’d said: “I feel just a like a murder victim.”

Then we jumped ahead a week, to when Mr. Mensa arrived to enter a mansion in which these two annoying broads (Honey, those women are broads!) have made themselves at home for a week. Before long, the poor man may be wishing he himself had an imaginary bone disease.

“He broke my heart,” said Kathy of Mr. Mensa, because he was playing for himself to win instead of for her to win. To the best of my knowledge he did not pledge to marry her and then dumped her at the alter. Get over yourself, drama sheriff.

But Kathy’s high-horse is about to be saddled up and ridden hard, for the time has come for Mr. Mensa to ‘fess up that the wife’s bone disease story was a put-on, and to face Kathy’s Wrath, for she, as a cancer-survivor herself, was deeply offended! She rode her high-horse over him backwards and forwards.

I felt most-conflicted. On the one hand, I find Kathy annoying in the extreme. Her very voice grates on me, and her showing in the game, her being a literal dead-weight to be dragged about lifeless in challenge after challenge, has left me with little respect for her game play. Her tantrums here I find wildly inflated for maximum drama.

But there’s the small point that, morally, she’s right. What Mr. Mensa did was despicable, and he deserves some shunning for it.

He, however, simply views it from a point-of-view so radically different from Kathy’s, that she can no more conceive of it that we can accurately picture a cube with five dimensions. She sees it as pissing on every genuinely gravely-ill person on earth. He sees it as no big thing, a lark. What it was, was a poorly-thought-out gambit in extremely bad taste, without the redeeming quality of satire.

Boobiac said of Mr. Mensa’s Big Lie: “Like, you’re the most-horrible person I’ve ever met in my life right now.” This put-down is even more terribly stinging when you consider that Boobiac has met herself.

Said Kathy: “That’s not a strategy; that’s just cruelness. That’s cruelness.” If you’re wondering what “cruelness” is, it’s “cruelty” as mentioned by someone who only knows 12 English words.

After saying he regretted it “because it didn’t pay out,” Mr. Mensa’s lame defense included: “I was going to donate money to the foundation for that disease…” He was going to donate money? Sorry National Foundation for Imaginary Diseases of the Skeleton, but your imaginary disease didn’t get me enough sympathy votes to stay in the house, so no soup for you!

Kathy went on, not having finished grossly overdramatising Mr. Mensa’s lie: “There is not enough money in the world that would sell my soul to the devil, and that right there is pretty close to it.”

Oh please. He told a bad-taste lie which offended Kathy, and no doubt many others. However, offending people isn’t the same as hurting or damaging people. Telling the Nazis the Jews are hiding in the attic for some cash and getting out of town alive, that’s selling your soul to the devil.

Yet I suspect Kathy’s statement: “There is not enough money in the world that would sell my soul to the devil,” is literally true. The Devil would command a price beyond all the value of earth to put up with being stuck sharing Hell with Kathy for eternity. May I leave the jury house now?

No. Because Mr. Mensa witheld the surprise double-eviction, so we could have the full bittersweet overindulgence of the Branchel reunion, a moment more delayed than the reunion of Sun and Jin on Lost. Hopefully, like Sun and Jin, Brendon and Boobiac will drown before the final episode.

Watching the shaving of Brendon’s head, Mr. Mensa observed that he “looks like a penis.” Boobiac was grossed out, although it was clearly true, and accounts for her mad passion for him.

The Chenbot asked The Beast if he was playing dumber than he actually is, though I don’t see how anything that is still breathing could play dumber than he actually is, but he said: “Oh I’m definitely playing the half-a-dodo part.” So, only half his dumb act is an act. The other half is real dodo. “I gotta bring brains back,” added The Beast. Has he a glass gallon jar somewhere in his luggage, labeled “Abnormal Brain. Do Not Use! From Texas!”

Eviction Ceremony: Bitchney caved, and The Beast was saved from having to extend his treachery against The Brigade. The Whiner was voted out unanimously.

The Chenbot asked The Whiner a lot of questions about Mr. Mensa, and he reaffirmed his respect and love for Mr. Mensa “because whenever Matt and I had conversations, they came from a real, genuine place.” You could feel The Chenbot encouraging The Whiner to lay it on with a trowel, to prepare for the moment when the entire jury house will gleefully inform him of Mr. Mensa’s Big Lie, while Mensie stands there, sheepishly smirking. Tune in for that next week.

Head of Household Competition: This was another lengthy task which could not be completed before the end of the show. It was Christmas-themed, appropriate considering that the temperature in Studio City was in the low hundreds. They had to maneuver delicate glass Christmas ornaments through chickenwire. Bitchney was at a tremendous disadvantage because of her long fingernails. She couldn’t grip the ornaments, and kept dropping them. And the ones she grasped firmly enough not to drop, she shattered with her nails. By the time the episode ended, the ground outside her chickenwire looked like the rubble following a bar fight between gay elves. She hasn’t got a chance, and winning Head of Household may be her only hope to survive next week.

Only two more Big Brother columns still to come: next Friday’s, and then the Monday following for the finale. Until then, cheers darlings.

To read more of Tallulah Morehead, go to The Morehead, the Merrier, or buy her book, My Lush Life.

Read more: Puppets, Reality TV, Big Brother 12 Episode 24, Julie Chen, The Penguin, Mensa Society, Cbs, Big Brother 12, Texas, Psycho, Big Brother 12 Episode 25, Janet Leigh, Big Brother 12 Episode 23, Sock Puppets, Entertainment News, Batman, Big Brother, Entertainment News

David Wild: “The Immigrant Song”: A Playlist For Arizona Governor Jan Brewer

My family and I vacationed in Arizona a few years back. We had a great time hanging around a beautiful resort in Scottsdale, hiking in some gorgeous mountains, attending a Phoenix Suns game, and even dining at my own spiritual home, Alice Cooperstown.

For the time being, however, we have absolutely no plans to go back to Arizona. Now after seeing some of Governor Jan Brewer’s mind-blowing meltdown performance during her debate with Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard, I’m now frankly a little frightened for the good people of Arizona — and yes, there are lots of them there too.

Here’s a playlist for a woman who lost her head, and a state that seems bent on doing the same.

“The Immigrant Song” – Led Zeppelin
“Arizona” – Mark Lindsay
“Fences” – Phoenix
“Elected” – Alice Cooper
“Borderline” – Madonna
“Tongue-Tied” – Aqualung
“I Pity The Poor Immigrant” – Bob Dylan
“Spanish Is The Loving Tongue” – Judy Collins
“Guess I Just Lost My Head” – Karen Carpenter
“Arizona” – Kings of Leon
“Once Upon A Time In The West” – Dire Straits
“The Governor” – James McMurtry
“A Word In Spanish” – Elton John
“Flightless Bird, American Mouth” – Iron & Wine
“Spanish Harlem” – Ben E. King
“Arizona” – Robbie Williams
“Wild Wild West” – Will Smith
“Trust Me To Open My Mouth” – Squeeze
“Governor” – Robert Bradley’s Blackwater Surprise
“Arizona” – Alejandro Escovedo
“By The Time I Get To Phoenix” – Glen Campbell

So what’s on your playlist for Governor Brewer and the people of Arizona? Please tell us, and for your own safety, say it in English.

Read more: Governor Jan Brewer, Madonna, Robert Bradley's Blackwater Surprise, Squeeze, Aqualung, Iron & Wine, Led Zeppelin, Scottsdale, Arizona, Alice Cooper, Bob Dylan, Mark Lindsay, Glen Campbell, James McMurtry, Alejandro Escovedo, Jan Brewer, Robbie Williams, Judy Collins, Phoenix, Dire Straits, Elton John, Kings of Leon, Will Smith, Phoenix Suns, Terry Goddard, Ben E. King, Arizona Immigration Law, Karen Carpenter, Entertainment News

Dan Persons: CFQ Post-Mortem: Predators Redux & Tons o’ Exorcisms

After casting the devil out of The Last Exorcism, Dan Persons, Lawrence French, and Steve Biodrowski exercise their analytic on other possession movies in the latest episode of Cinefantastique’s weekly Post-Mortem Podcast. What are the best and worst the genre has to offer: The Exorcist, Exorcist II: The Heretic, The Exorcist III, House of Exorcism?
Also this week: an exploration of the questions:

* What do The Last Exorcism and After.Life have in common?

* Is Predators this year’s most entertaining horror, fantasy, or science fiction film?

* What’s up with trailers for films like Piranha 3D and Predators, which promise scenes not in the movie?

* Does A Matter of Loaf and Death, the latest animated adventure starring plasticene pals Wallace and Gromit, live up to their previous, Oscar-winning work?

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Read more: Exorcist II: The Heretic, Violence, Action-Adventure, The Last Exorcism, Horror, Emotion, Predators, The Exorcist, Sex, A Matter of Loaf and Death, After Life, Drama, Controversy, Death, Piranha 3d, Indie, Comedy, Gore, The Exorcist III, Science Fiction, Acting Legend, Fantasy, Off Beat, Satire, Gritty, Art, House of Exorcism, Animation, Entertainment News

Jon Gosselin To Kate: Give Me $50K Or I’ll Report You To Child Services, Says Ex

UPDATE: Hailey has responded to Jon’s accusation that she is lying.

“Look, the documents and the evidence speak for itself,” she told Radar.

Jon declined to comment on the story before it was published, Radar reports.

PREVIOUSLY: Jon Gosselin allegedly threatened to report ex-wife Kate to Child Protective Services if she pay him off, reports.

Jon’s ex-girlfriend, Hailey Glassman, tells Radar that Jon tried to extort Kate when their daughter Mady hurt her arm. Jon planned to tell CPS that Kate had caused the injury by yanking on Mady’s arm.

“We were in bed and Jon called Kate on speaker phone,” Hailey said. “He wrote down what he wanted to say to her and then he read from his notes. He told her, ‘You either give me money, or I’m going to call CPS.'”

Hailey provided Radar with handwritten notes, allegedly from Jon, that support her story. The notes (see part of one below, click here for the rest) say things like “Need 50k or 100k now. 24/48 hours go to DA” and “Jon giving Kate ultimatums. He privately extorts Kate. If you don’t do what I want, I’ll do this…”

“He always referred to himself in the third person,” Hailey said. “I found it so strange. It was almost like he thought he was still on camera.”

Jon took to Twitter Wednesday to deny Hailey’s claims.

“Radaronline has been duped again by Hailey Glassman, who is apparently without a job and desperate for money,” he wrote. “This article contains so many lies, they are too numerous to count. It is completely false and without any merit.”


Read more: Reality Television, Reality TV, Jon Gosselin, Kate Gosselin, Jon and Kate Gosselin Divorce, Jon and Kate, Jon Gosselin Extortion, Hailey Glassman, Kate Gosselin Child Services, Entertainment News