Comet Elenin should be at its brightest shortly before the time of its closest approach to Earth on Oct. 16 of this year. At its closest point, it will be 35 million kilometers (22 million miles) from us. Can this icy interloper influence us from where it is, or where it will be in the future? What about this celestial object inspiring some shifting of the tides or even tectonic plates here on Earth?
Here’s the NASA link to their website to track the impact of planet Elenin:
There have been some incorrect Internet speculations that external forces could cause comet Elenin to come closer.
The important date regions are: (approximate, as the comet gets closer the trajectories get more accurate)
June 15th (comet enters our system)
October 17th (closest point …very large gravitational effects on the sun and earth)
November 5th (crossing the tail of the comet, much debris)
The effects on the earth’s magnetic field or the tectonic stability is not completely understood.
NASA has made a limited amount of information public, there seems to be an effort to down-play the event in the mainstream media. There are conflicting reports of the gravitational effect of the comet on the earth. The debris field the earth will pass through could also damage communication satellites from micro meteors.